Groupe de Travail Corporel

bodygroup3This body work group creates a secure space for participants to listen intently to their bodies. Participants will listen to each other on a psychological level using also the bodily felt sense.

 Personal Development Bodywork Group 2015

By listening to their body, participants can connect to their deepest needs and to create a freer and fuller life. We propose a space to feel deeply where things in everyday life are printed and are present in several layers like the skin, muscles, bones, organs, etc. We will be able to choose looking at them, seeing what shows up and learning to manage these uniquely for all participants, in the presence of others who are also searching for themselves. Finally we want to share doubts, needs and discoveries.

We will deepen the consciousness by learning to recognize the body as part of the living that comes with its own language and its specific needs. Beyond the physiological needs, we will also be in contact with the relational body. The relational body needs to be touched, seen and recognized by the other group members who will accept the person as a whole with their share of strengths and weaknesses. In this respectful atmosphere, group members can experience a new way to take care of themselves.

The group is based on the Person-Centred Approach (PCA) of Carl Rogers, which places the individual into the center of interest. This group will not be based on concepts or strategies, technique nor aims, but congruence, empathy and full acceptance of the growing self.

The communication language is English, but you do not need to be fluent in English. Instead we will use the language skills and intuition of trainer and participants in order to understand everyone. This is the basis of the group work.

Dates of independent groups :
17th of December 17h to 20h
6th of January 2016 18 to 21h

Willi Rös, Psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor in PCA
“I am at my best level of helping relationship when I can perceive the person with brain, emotion and body.”

Radlicka 99, Prague 5

per session: 120 Kc

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